Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"You Just Want Pictures, But Won't Feed Her"

Here's an instance of my local ignorance causing a little upset.

We walked up to this cow and woman in south Mumbai.  Keep in mind, south Mumbai is the most expensive real estate in India.  So, seeing a cow tied to a tree and a woman seemingly getting some additional grass together for the cow was rather unexpected.  I wasn't too sure why this woman had a cow here, but with it being such a unique situation, I figured, I'd take a photo.

Once I'd taken the photo, the woman sprang up and made a point to Shweta (in Marati) that all we want to do was take photos of the cow, without feeding it. 

Turns out that the deal here is that I was supposed to pay the woman some money to buy grass from her.  Then I would feed the grass to the cow, ideally improving my karma.  Opportunity lost.

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